School Administration Software

School Administration Software is also called School ERP software or School Management Software interchangeably. What all this means is a software that can manage and co-ordinate all functions of the school which had been managed by an army of personnel till now. Each and every department has its dedicated module where all functionalities pertaining to that department is taken care of. However, all the updates happening in different departments have an inter-dependency for sharing the data collected so that relevant decisions can be taken. For eg. Pending fee for a student shows up while generating TC leading to non-issuance of TC and once the pending is cleared from the Fee department, TC can be generated by the front office. This all happens seamlessly without any physical contact between various departments and without any human errors. You can work on it from home, while travelling or anywhere you desire. It’s a boon for teachers as they can upload HW, do mark entry, provide remarks, communicate…all this from the comfort of their homes as per time convenient to them not only through the software portal but also through exclusively developed and integrated mobile apps. Such School Management Softwares make the organization a cohesive unit providing much valuable input to the management to make necessary decisions.

Student Management

Students form the core of any School Management System, therefore the prime objective of any software would be to manage students affairs to be best. This module of ours helps you in keeping a perfect profile record of each child, profile of parents, images of student, parent and/ or guardians. This also allows promotion of students, class change, section change, de-activating a student, generating their TC and other certificates. The module also provides you a report section wherein you can generate dynamic reports, user defined reports, analytical reports and more.

  • Student Profile with chronological mapping
  • Exhaustive information including exam, fee, parents, address, bus route, authorized pickup, etc.
  • School Calendar of activities, events, holidays and vacation
  • Student promotion, section change, student drop, etc
  • Exhaustive ready-made reports
  • Read More
School Management Software Modules

Admissions Management System

The Nascorp admission management system is a powerful module which allows a school to manage the admissions automatically without any manual intervention. It is a four stage process beginning Enquiry, Form Sale, Registration and Admission Confirmation. However as per schools discretion any of the stages can be dropped. Online payment for forms, registration and Admission Fee could be made. The Admission Management Module can be integrated with the existing website of the school. A number of reports too could be generated pertaining to this module.

  • Admission Dashboard for bird’s eye view of all admission related data
  • Define Admission criteria
  • Online Enquiry and Tracking
  • Online Application and registration
  • Admission confirmation and auto-communication to parents through notifications, SMS, etc

School Automation Software System

Library Management

In most of the schools Library management is a prime requirement and it takes much effort to manage a library efficiently. It is the only service which the school lends to the students without charging anything for borrowing resources. The Nascorp Library Management Software has everything a Librarian desires, prime functionality being entry of books being such a breeze. To enter any details of new books, all that he/she has to do is type the name or ISBN no. of the book in our Library search window and the details are shown immediately and all that the Librarian has to do is click on the correct resource, and all the information is auto-filled. Not only that, its possible to maintain different rules for students and staff or even class-wise. There are auto-reminders for books not returned, due date over, late fine fee and more. A unique feature is that parents can search the school library online and reserve books for their wards.

  • Details of books, journals, magazines and other media
  • Purchase dates and cost of books/ New book addition with no data entry
  • Auto-sms for unreturned books after due date
  • List of lost or damaged books
  • Excellent search options
  • Complete history of each book or history of books issued by a student
  • Bar-code generation for books and issue return through bar-code
  • All reports for maintaining a standard library
School Administration System

Inventory Management

Inventory management has become an essential part of school environment and therefore for School Management Softwares. It helps manage and provide vital information as to the assets within the school by way of scannable barcodes and location information. It can be used to transfer items to staff and students which can either be paid or issued and keep track of returnables. It can be used to issue Purchase orders, receive goods by way of Goods Receiving Note, make payments to vendors, make comparison of quotations, etc. Each and every item within the premises can be accounted for location wise, store wise or individual wise.

  • All the school’s consumables as well as durables can be managed through this module.
  • Our Inventory Management comes with the facility of adding items, quantity, and information to have a comprehensive record of the inventory.
  • With this issuance and return of Inventory can be easily tracked.
  • Inventory Management Module offers comprehensive reporting features to provide precise inventory control.
Online School Management System

Transport Management

In most schools in urban areas and a large percentage in rural areas run school transport to provide to and fro service for students. It has therefore become an integral part of Fee Management Software and consequently of the school management software. . The module provides an easy way of maintaining all data relating to routes, stops, charges, students in the routes, bus attendance, all details of bus staff and incharges, bus live tracking, vehicle maintenance and servicing, part change, fuel consumption, mileage and reminders for vehicle document, pollution expiry, etc helping the school manage all the transport related functions smoothly.

  • Details of all vehicles available in school
  • Details of vehicle maintenance due dates with alerts
  • Bus routing and bus stop details of each route
  • Route change with consequent effect on Fee module
  • Route-wise SMS in case of emergency
  • Support GPS Integration for live tracking of bus
  • Multiple reports with maintenance logs, fuel logs, student details per route, etc.
School ERP Software System

Hostel and Imprest Management

For residential schools, Hostel Management module along with Imprest is a must-have in any School ERP Software. It’s the responsibility of the school that during off school the students are taken care of in the most secure manner and all their daily activities are seamlessly managed. All the items assigned to students should be tallied well, their grievances taken care of, hostel attendance taken regularly for their safety, daily meal menu displayed, incoming and outgoing gate passes issued for added security. Multiple hostels can be managed using Nascorp School ERP software and numerous reports generated.

Imprest is an important part of residential schools as students stay alone away from their families. All their necessities are taken care of within the school or hostel. Since students are not allowed to carry cash within the premises, all their day to day needs like buying uniform, books, shoes, or visiting cafeteria or canteen has to be managed. For this a credit/ advance deposit facility available within the school is called Imprest. Parents can credit a set imprest amount to the student account which can be utilized by the students while in the school. For this the needed amount is auto-deducted from the student account which the parent need to keep filled.

  • Complete accountability of all the hostel resources
  • Allocate hostel, room and bed to students
  • Manage list of wardens
  • Hostel fee management
  • Manage all the expenses of students with imprest account management
  • Several hostel and expense related reports
School Management ERP System

Front Office Management

  • Records information of all the visitors
  • Maintain daily/monthly/yearly history of all the visitors
  • Record time visit, purpose visit
  • Generate gate pass for the visitors
  • Several visitor reports
School ERP Software
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